Staci's Fun Pictures

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Rosanne Getting Back From Her Mission to Portugal!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just Staci...

Me in front of the Nauvoo Temple sitting in front of the Mississippi River
Me in the Colorado mountains at about 9,100 feet

Me in Colorado taking a rest on my vacation

Vacation to my brother's house in Colorado

My nephew Kimball taking a car ride

My nephew Kimball camping

My sister Rosanne, my nephew Kimball, and me paddle boating

My brother Aaron and me

Kimball opening a present from his aunt My brother Aaron and His son Kimball supporting John Deere
My sister Laura and I enjoying the weather in Colorado at about 9,100 feet
My nephew Kimball and me
My nephew Kimball camping
My family and I visiting the garden of the gods in Colorado